Saturday we went to the local library here in Kansas and got my card renewed, and Vince and the girls each a card. We spent a great deal of the day looking at books, and came home with The Prairie Girl's Guide to Life.
I am loving this book, it gets 5 stars! It's a wonderful book, projects to do, easy reading, and just fun. And of course about my favorite subject girls on the prairie! It has a lot of modern things for prairie girls to do. Which I am going to incorporate into teaching my girls as well. One thing we will be doing this week is cooking dandelion greens as the book suggested. I love dandelion greens but have never cooked them. So here's our chance. Another friend suggested dandelion pancakes, so that too will be added to our list of activities.
In the theme of Prairie Girls, I have began to read the Little House series to the girls. We are currently reading Little House in the Big Woods so far so good. I think Lela will really like Laura as they both have a lot of fiste and energy! I will be getting Calvert Homeschools Little House curriculum, soon to go over with the girls as we go through this series. Along with I will probably be adding little projects along the way we will also be doing. First thing, as soon as we have fresh corn again we will be making corn cob babies!
Last night I made two big orders from Amazon and Bookcloseouts so there will be tons of reading in the coming months.

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